Selling articles online or selling content is the best way to monetize your skills. Amazed? Know how you can sell your articles or content online to bloggers or websites in this post.
One of the best and easiest ways to make online is undoubtedly to work as a writer. The web is completely built on content, and this is what most sites use as ‘bait’ to draw in readers and to improve their ranking in the search engines.
The simple fact of the matter is that without content, most sites wouldn’t make any money – and that makes writing a valuable commodity online.
To be a successful writer online you will need a good writing voice, a fast typing speed and a basic understanding of SEO and optimisation. If you have those things then this is a great way to find steady work online and to experience working from home while getting to do something you enjoy for a living.
If you’ve got the skills and the inclination then, the only other thing you will need is a market and somewhere to sell your work. This little list should get you started…
Digital Point Forum:
The Digital Point Forum is a forum for webmasters and other people who make a living online. As well as sharing tips and discussing SEO, web design and coding, users of the site also use it as a place to trade skills. If you can write content, then posting an advert here is a great way to find webmasters and SEO companies that are looking for your skill set.
A reputation system makes it easy to identify the right people to work with, and transactions tend to be quick and painless through PayPal. It’s also a great place to find repeat business, eventually meaning you may not have to advertise at all.
Warrior Forum:
Warrior Forum is another webmaster forum in the same vein as Digital Point. This one does tend to pay slightly more, but it’s also a little more ‘cliquey’ and has slightly stricter rules when it comes to self-promotion which can present a barrier.
Elance: If you’re looking for work that’s a little more ‘high-brow’, then Elance may be more to your liking. This site allows webmasters, SEOs and businesses to browse through freelancers and is a great place to find some highly paid work. It does take a little longer to get the bids though compared with some of the other methods on this list.
ODesk is an alternative to Elance that provides a very similar service but is slightly better at promoting lower-paid work meaning you can more quickly find a job. There’s nothing to stop you going on both though, and that would always be my recommendation.
Another like Odesk. This one is not quite as popular yet though, meaning it’s slightly less competitive.
Another great market to sell writing in as a freelancer that specialises purely in writing (unlike some of the others on this list which also sell design and programming). Low prices on here however can be off putting for some writers (as much as $15 per 500 word article, but as low as $1…).
Constant Content:
Constant Content is a great place to sell writing that you have taking up space on your computer. You also get to set the price here which is great as it means you can potentially sell articles for a lot of money (and if they’re not being used then they won’t do any harm if they don’t sell).
There is a knack to getting things to sell though that involves knowing popular topics, using the right keywords and getting the balance right with the pricing.
Article Sale:
Another site much like Article Sale where you get to sell articles you already have and set your own price.
Daily Article:
Yet another along the lines of Constant Content and Article Sale. Not too well known either which limits the competition you’ll be going up against.
Fiverr is a site where you can sell any service for a Fiverr. Of course that might not sound like much for a 500 word article, but then there’s nothing to stop you selling much shorter amounts of work for that price (such as a 50 word ‘profile’ for a business, or write up for an app). Find a good niche here and there is money to be made.
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