When we surf the web it is very common for us to open several websites through a search engine or hyperlinks on a website we are currently looking at. We are living in a cyber age and our psychology is evolving rapidly to match the pace of technological development. Businesses are being operated with a pan world approach and a lot of people are introducing themselves to the world of internet every minute. Undoubtedly due to ecommerce business is thriving but this has also resulted in fierce competition among marketers to attract more number of users every day.
Tackling SEO and getting a user to visit your website once is not enough. The trick is to give users an experience which motivates them to keep visiting your website again. Other than the services you are targeting the content a user reads on your website is a very important factor. Learning more about the kind of content that will create regular visits to your website is very crucial. The following points will definitely help you in reaching your goals:
Engaging content
The literature or information you provide through your website is a part of the entire website content. You have to make sure that the content you create shouldn’t be lengthy and boring but should be informative at the same time.
Home Page
An attractive home page of your website will definitely leave a good impression on a user and will motivate him to become a frequent visitor to your website.
Social media
Integrating your website with social media will increase the probability of a user visiting your website through a hyperlink on his social networking home page.
Response time
Make sure your website isn’t loaded with stuff which makes it slower to open or else user might not prefer visiting again expecting stagnancy.
Interlinking with other similar websites
Your website should also serve as a gateway to more information. A user will definitely visit your website to get hyperlinked to another website with a difficult name to remember and recall.
Creative quotient
People prefer to read stuff which is easy to comprehend and connects with them on a psychological level. Researching about your audience and creating content accordingly is a great idea to retain visitors.
Graphics and Images
Referring to point 4 creating a website with images and info graphics is a better approach rather than using a lot of words and creating literature for your website.
Social attribute
We are indeed in cyber age but we can rule out the social angle of our societies. While creating content it is advisable to play Switzerland and avoid taking strong sides to a particular cause. Being neutral is appreciated.
Updated and correct information
People would keep their distance from your website if the information you provide is either not authentic or is obsolete. The idea is to constantly update the content on your website.
Language is last in the list but it is the most important factor. You will definitely not increase the number of followers for your website with content written using incorrect grammar or a regionally influenced language.