The advent of Internet opened up a whole new world for information to float through the web. The need for reading material on the web pushed the need for new writers to surface. Blogging which was once a pastime has now turned into a full time profession for millions of people across the planet. Every minute a new blogger is typing his/her views and posting it on the internet.
Social media which essentially developed through a parallel school of thought eventually merged with the world of blogging. To make a blog successful it is of utmost importance to make it visible through social media.
Following literature talks about some pointers for budding and aspiring bloggers pertaining to sharing content on social media:
Facebook page
You can accept it or deny it but you can’t ignore the fact that Facebook is the definitely the most efficient social media platform and will retain this position for many years. That is why when your create a blog and want to promote it through social networking, Facebook is the first one to come to your to do list. Create individual pages for all your blogs besides having a page for yourself. Remember you have to let your content promote you and vice versa.
Visible connectors for social media
On your blog page you have to ensure that the connector icons for various social media platforms are easily visible to anyone who drops in to your website for even a second. This will motivate readers to connect to you through social media.
RSS feed
This is important and trust me it is highly effective. If your blog is connected to your profession you should definitely align the RSS feed for your blog through professional social media sites like LinkedIn. On your LinkedIn profile do not forget mentioning the link to your blog.
Pinterest is to be interested
Pinterest is growing as we speak and as a blogger you should capitalize the situation. Pinning relevant pictures corresponding to your blogs and providing a hyperlink to your blog is an efficient way of attaining media sharing goals. Also, on your page make sure you add a Pinterest plug-in.
Naming convention
To promote your blog it would be advisable to ditch your usual username and adopt your blog’s name as yours. The best way would be to come up with a name which signifies the coexistence of you and your blog. This way you will make it easier for readers to connect your blog with your identity rather than left wondering who this excellent blog belongs to.
Facebook groups
Groups active on Facebook are extremely useful when it comes to building social media relationships and readership. Being a blogger you should definitely join several blogging groups on Facebook. This will increase your visibility arena and also give you ample opportunities to get connected to other bloggers and share ideas.
Don’t ditch social media
Its an uncertain world out there. There will be times when you would feel that social media is not giving you the results you had hoped for but the key is to stick to the platforms. Sometimes a little patience will give you excellent rewards in the long run. Gaining popularity and traffic through social media is a long consistent process and it is supposed to take time.