SEO In The Forex Niche: 5 Tips And Tricks

The forex niche can be incredibly profitable provided you knowhow to get rankings. Of course, there are a ton of different ways to monetize your site, however by building up your natural rankings you’ll be able to sustain long-term profits much easier, provided you grow your back links in a natural manner.

A large problem most sites face, especially in the Forex niche, are building links too fast or using black-hat techniques that shoot your site to the top of the rankings, only to crash and burn later on. It’s important to do your best to look at your site and its continued growth as a long-term investment.

In this article we’ll cover the five things you need to consider in order to obtain solid rankings in the Forex niche, implement these tactics and you’ll be well on your way to rankings that satisfy you and your company.

1. Getting the right domain name

Most of the top domains currently in the Forex niche have a .com extension. Obviously, this is having less relevance, however it still does hold a little weight. Also, make sure not to include dashes in your domain, dashes look spammy and will cause your site to be devalued.

Be sure to keep your domain under 15 characters. Anything longer looks like you’re trying to keyword stuff your domain. It will also be harder for your users to remember your domain. Keep it simple and memorable.

If you are going to place keywords in your domain, make sure you use no more than two. Any more and it will negatively impact your rankings.

2. Quality, valuable content

More and more content is increasing in how valuable it is to your rankings. SInce Google’s goal is to provide searchers will the most valuable, relevant content they will obviously be favoring this in their search algorithms. You’ll want to make sure you have a steady stream of valuable content.

Now and into the future content will play an increased role in achieving rankings.

3. Use of keywords

Optimizing your body text for the exact keyword you’re trying to rank for is becoming less and less important, as far as the main body of your text is concerned. However, you still might want to place the keyword within H1 tags; this signals to Google’s search robots that something important is about to come up.

4. Two subtle tips

These are two strategies whose effectiveness has been debated, however we’ve seen sites using these strategies get a little boost in rankings.

The first is enabling breadcrumbs on your site, this basically allows Google to better understand the content flow on your site and how all the pages are related. As content grows in importance, the importance of this may increase as well.

The second is enabling Google Authorship. This allows you to sync your website with your Google Plus account. This means your posts have more of a friendly feel when they come up in the search engines, and people are more likely to click through.

5. Having the right mindset

If you are hoping to get fast rankings, make a boatload of cash and travel the world you might want to adjust your plans. SEO today is a long-term investment, it takes a lot of quality content, and through that strong quality backlinks. Think 6 months or more, definitely not weeks. Bring this into your strategy and try to have as much fun as possible building your site.

The best overall advice we can give is to start slow, and build with time. If you’re a new site your main goal is to build authority with Google. The more the search engine giants trusts your site the better your long-term rankings will be. I hope this article has been valuable and you’re on your way towards a solid long-term SEO strategy.


Zane Schwarzlose is an SEO at Fahrenheit Marketing, an Austin web design company. Zane thinks that forex is an interesting area of SEO.

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