Your website marketing plans have to be controlled carefully if you are going to keep your business intact. There are a few things that you have to avoid if you want to keep your website marketing plans under control.
Keeping Your Ads Hidden
The first thing to avoid doing when marketing your website involves the ads you are using. You have to avoid keeping your ads hidden on your site or any other place you promote yourself in or else it will be harder for a site to be easy to spot. It’s a real concern that has to be considered because it might involve a lack of information on your site. In fact, ads that are more visible are often easier to utilize in any circumstance.
Having a Plain Splash Page
Your splash page is the first thing someone will see when visiting your website. You cannot just stick a standard splash page that only has your name on it. Your page has to include details on what you do on your site and even visuals of whatever you have.
A splash page that plainly has your logo or a very vague message on it is never good for web marketing needs. You have to be specific and give people a very sensible reason as to why they should come on into your website. It will make whatever you have a little more appealing for anyone to see.
Using Bottom Page Links
You cannot rely on just using links on the bottom of your website. You have to use links within your content and even links on other peoples’ websites to make it more interesting. These links are going to be much more effective than bottom page links.
Search engine spiders do not favor bottom page links because websites use them as cheap ways to create links. You have to add more links than just those bottom page links if you want search engines to find your site.
Bribing People
Bribes often relate to things like asking people to sign up for services, to like them on social networking sites so new things can be offered, or so they can receive some specific discounts or benefits. Bribing the potential customer this way is often wrong for web marketing because it suggests that you are desperate for businesses and that you’ll try anything even if it means doing something that you might have a hard time promising.
Setting and Forgetting
You have to think about how your links are being used. You cannot just use a set-and-forget process to try to find something of value. You have specifically to check on your links on occasion just to see if there are any problems that might come with your links. People will like your site if your links actually work. You can’t leave your links as they are or else you will lose control of your plans and your site will not be as functional as it should be.
These five things have to be avoided during your website marketing project. Let’s not forget the unspoken efficacy to buy traffic is always an option too. You have to be careful with your plans so you don’t fall into these serious problems.
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John H. Kirsch is an East Bay native and focus on digital and Internet marketing consulting.